

T3.1 Use of recently rescued data: historical and research campaign data for validation
T3.2 Comparison to other surface temperature data sets, reanalysis
T3.3 Validation against reference data of analysis and uncertainties


To achieve these objectives, both comparison to other surface temperature datasets, and validation against in situ measurements are performed. Validation here can be defined as a direct comparison of the air temperature output product with collocated and simultaneously acquired air temperature measurements from independent meteorological station instruments; intercomparison on the other hand involves a direct comparison of the air temperature output product with alternative air temperature products. To maximise sufficiently coverage of validation data for different surfaces over the time period a data gathering and rescue effort is required. This primarily entails identifying availability and accessibility to existing digitised data holdings from other projects, and establishing access through formal links where required. The strategy used across all tasks within this Work Package is to follow a consistent approach, as opposed to disparate individual efforts, with the validation and intercomparison work adhering to standardised protocols. It is also important to maintain an independence from the dataset production, whereby the following interactions were foreseen with other work packages:


(links to the publicly available reports can be found under EUSTACE final results)