

T2.1 Product Design
T2.2 Creation of consistent air temperature fields from satellite and in situ data
T2.3 Analysis and in filling methods: novel statistical methods will be developed
T2.4 System Development
T2.5 Product generation and verification


EUSTACE utilized a wealth of surface and air temperature measurements from both satellite and in situ measurement platforms for all surfaces - land, lakes, ocean, sea ice, and ice sheets. By the end of the project, these individual strands were combined in a consistent way to build a globally complete near-surface temperature record over 166 years with uncertainty information. WP2 took recommendations for producing air temperature estimates over different surfaces from WP1 and combined these using a state-of-the-art statistical system to create a globally-complete daily analysis. The data processing challenges were met using big-data techniques and novel statistical methods. The inputs, processing and infilling were combined in a single system designed to be sustainable and to provide products tailored to well defined user needs obtained from WP4.


(links to the publicly available reports can be found under EUSTACE final results)